Author: Crooksy

We’re going to take a look at a range of oils which are considered to be the best essential oils for sleep. If using oils for sleep sound a little bit ‘hippyish’ or ‘new-agey’…I understand. I thought that myself until a friend of mine introduced me to some of the essential oils she uses to help her get good sleep. It turns out that essential oils have been used for centuries to improve different areas of health. Be willing to try something a little bit different and a whole new world will open up to you. What Are Essential Oils?…

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Have you ever heard of PubMed?No, it’s not the Irish version of Club Med (although that’s a place I’d definitely visit).It’s a popular online search engine you can use to hunt down research papers related to everything biomedical & life sciences.It’s not the only place you can go to, but it’s one of the most well known.When you do a search on PubMed for weight loss, you get back more than 166,000 results.166,000! Can anyone say information overload.  Anyway, it goes without saying that a whole lot of research has been done into the various weight loss methods out there.On…

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