Author: Crooksy

Over the past decade or so an alarming amount of research has started to reveal the strong links between poor sleep and weight gain. Studies such as ‘The Nurses Health Study’ and ‘The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study’ have demonstrated that a shorter average sleep time (i.e. less than 7 hours) is linked with as much as a 60% increased risk of obesity. But how is that possible? How can something as seemingly innocuous as a loss of sleep cause you to gain weight? To explore this link, more detailed studies have been done to find possible mechanisms that explain how a…

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One of the recommendations we make very early on to our clients is that they should really make an effort to get their bedroom as close to complete darkness as possible. In an ideal world, when you’re getting out of bed in the morning your room should be just as dark as when you went to bed last night. There should be no light coming in through your windows at all until you pull the curtains yourself. You should struggle to see your hand in front of your face – that’s how dark we’d love you to make your bedroom.…

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